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- Matsuura K, Tanaka Y, Hige S, Yamada G, Murawaki Y, Komatsu M, Kuramitsu T, Kawata S, Tanaka E, Izumi N, Okuse C, Kakumu S, Okanoue T, Hino K, Hiasa Y, Sata M, Maeshiro T, Sugauchi F, Nojiri S, Joh T, Miyakawa Y, Mizokami M: Distribution of hepatitis B virus genotypes among patients with chronic infection in Japan shifting toward an increase of genotype A. J Clin Microbiol. 47: 1476-1483, 2009
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- Umemura T, Katsuyama Y, Hamano H, Kitahara K, Takayama M, Arakura N, Kawa S, Tanaka E, Ota M: Association analysis of Toll-like receptor 4 polymorphisms with autoimmune pancreatitis. Hum Immunol. 70: 742-746, 2009
- Zhang X, Nakajima T, Kamijo Y, Li G, Hu R, Kannagi R, Kyogashima M, Aoyama T, Hara A: Acute kidney injury induced by protein-overload nephropathy down-regulates gene expression of hepatic cerebroside sulfotransferase in mice, resulting in reduction of liver and serum sulfatides. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 390: 1382-1388, 2009